Saturday, January 3, 2009

The V3 Class or Iron Ashtangi Challenge Round III

Well... Just made it home from today's class. My, that was fun, in that Vinayasa III class sort of way. I had an OMG moment in the class when we dropped down into Virabhadrasana III (Warrior III) from Vrksasana (Tree). I was having visions of the V3 class from back in November. I was thinking that we'd be doing the dread "Dikasana" in the Ashtanga series. In a later conversation with Jill, she said she was thinking the same thing (And she wasn't even there when we did it that day). I suspect it was probably going through Brian's and Kathy's head too.

I'll apologize in advance to all of my V3 classmates if I've caused Evan to scribble down a note or two for next week w/respect to this YouTube clip. Ever since I saw this, I've been thinking it might be roughly comparable to the Saturday class, in a certain twisted way. In fact, I think we've even done some of these "poses" sans the moving wall and dunk tank.

Now I have to have a nice rest and recovery before the final class in the Iron Ashtangi Challenge. I'm thinking maybe a beer and a nice soak in the tub is in order. Possibly even at the same time...

1 comment:

K said...

I think the dunk tank would make an excellent addition to Vin III.