So... It seems that I've managed to survive the
Iron Ashtangi Challenge. Although, at the present, I'm feeling more noodle than iron like. I rolled into this morning's
Led Primary Series Class feeling pretty good. I remarked to my daughter prior to class that my arms felt pretty good, but I wasn't sure if it was because I was starting to get used to it or I was just numb. Upon further reflection, perhaps it was a little of both.
We had another full room today for today's led class which absolutely rocks. We had the usual fun time. Memorable events today were:
- The look that Kathy had on her face when Kelly remarked "Only Four!" in Utthita Hasta Padangustasana (Standing Hand To Big Toe).
- Ann almost needing an emergency extraction from Garba Pindasana.
- The lovely certificate of completion and gifts for the five of us that made it through all four of the classes in the Challenge.
I can really see the advantages in doing this practice six days a week. I certainly was noticing a few little differences here and there today verse how I was for the Mysore class all the way back last Thursday.
Well... It's back to reality tomorrow. My two weeks of away from work has ended. I'm not really looking forward to the alarm going off at 0345 and then hopping on the bike for the ride in. That will be made all the more "pleasant" by the forecast 10F overnight low temperature. I just look at it as the thermodynamic opposite of
Tapas, although the suffering and austerity is most certainly present. But, the bag is packed and the alarm is set, so I'm committed (or should be committed).
I'm looking forward, in a slightly twisted sense, to trying out my
Christmas present from me to me, the Sidi Heating Insoles for my cycling shoes. It will be a lot colder than when I demo'ed them, so it will be interesting. I am still planning on doing a hand made cork insole in addition to them, but that's a few days off.
Note - I'd like to publicly thank Evan and Kelly for putting this together. I feel like I've been rewarded several times over. First, with all of the fun and hard work in the classes and yet again with the certificate and gifts. Thanks so much!